About Us
In the Beginning... The History of Deliverance FWB Church
One Fall evening in October 1988, God revealed to then Elder William E. Peterson that he would become a pastor. That revelation became a reality on April 9, 1989. A few of God’s saints who had gathered in the Pastor and First Lady’s home that evening, discussed the possibility of forming a Free Will Baptist Church, and asked Elder Peterson to be their Pastor. It was on that night that Deliverance Free Will Baptist Church was born.
Elder Peterson immediately appointed several officers. The first offering ($520.00) was also collected. He asked that everyone in attendance pray and meditate about the new church.
One of the group’s first priorities was to find a place of worship. Our first Sunday School and Worship Service were held on April 16, 1989 in Elder and Mother Peterson’s home. We continued to worship at their residence until May 7, 1989, when we began holding worship services in Capitol Heights, MD at John Eager Howard Elementary School in their multi-purpose room. A friend, and sister-in-Christ, Marian “Peggy” Crenshaw, now deceased, taught music at the school.
Although we were small in numbers, God immediately began to do great things among us. Three members were called into the ministry and we dedicated our first baby, William Warwick Burton. Under the strong leadership of our Pastor, we grew spiritually as well as physically.
On January 29, 1990, Deliverance officially requested, and was granted, membership with the United American Free Will Baptist Conference, Northwest “B” Division, at the General Tabernacle in Kinston, NC.
While attending a preschool graduation ceremony on June 1, 1991, Elder Peterson received a vision from the Lord concerning our place of worship. After presenting the plan to the Official Board, it was decided that we step out on faith and purchase land and begin the process to obtain the necessary financing to build a new sanctuary. In the meantime, while worshiping at the school was a blessing, there were some constraints. We were unable to hold afternoon services. Some meetings and rehearsals had to be held at alternative locations.
On December 19, 1993, we decided to look for another location to worship, as we continued to move forward toward the vision of moving into our new edifice. We decided to rent space at 3512 Old Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD. We held our first service at the new location on February 20, 1994. As in the school, God continued to shower us with many blessings, both spiritually and materially.
Then, in November 2000, the vision from God to build a brand new sanctuary was fulfilled. Our new edifice was dedicated in December 2000, and since then, we’ve had many memorable moments. We continue to look forward, with our eyes on Christ, as God prepares this Ministry for even greater things! To God Be the Glory!!
The following people were present at the Pastor & First Lady’s residence on that historical evening of April 9, 1989:
Elder William E. Peterson; Mother Elmyrie B. Peterson; Eldress Geneva Simon (deceased); Deacon James W. Kittrell (deceased); Deacon-In-Training Ray Morrissey; Mother Elizabeth Skinner (deceased); Mother Vinnie Wardlaw; Mother Laura Daniels (deceased); Charles R. Bailey (deceased); Bernice Best; Virginia Brown (deceased); Linwood Burton; Sharon Burton; Dominique Burton; Freddie Daniels; Michelle Ayers (Middleton); Alice Phillips; Artie Morrissey; Christina Payne; Tanisha Payne; Stacy Thorton; Mary Vines (deceased); Louise Williams; Scott Woolfolk; Matilda Woolfolk (deceased); Tiffany Woolfolk.